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Saturday 16 January 2010

Yahoo Smileys in both Author and Readers Comment ~Solved!

If you are using yahoo smiley emoticons in your blogger comments, I think you have notice that's not working on the author comments. It just works on the readers comments only. Those who are using author comment highlighting tricks only has this kinds of problem, else it is clear. But now you can use both trick at once highlight author comment and use emotions in your each & every comments as you wants.

Note: If you are using comment highlighting trick and want to show yahoo smiley in all comments, than use the follow tricks.  

You can see the yahoo smiley emoticons in both readers and my comment with highlighting author comment. If you want to do these tricks at once. Then let's see how to

Highlighting Author Comments

Highlighting author comment will make some different from other blog readers and it will let know to other you are the blog owner. You just have to make some changes in before code.

Find this code:












Place these red colored code as shown above position. Now, find ]]> and place the below CSS code just above ]]>.
.owner-Body {
background: #EBF0FF;
color: #000;
border-top: 1px solid #ebf0ff;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

Now you have understand? What we have make some change into? Yes we just change the code .comment-body-author to .owner-Body. Because the tag .comment-body-author is already terminated by other tags. This change will help you to show smiley in all comments including your readers and author.

Add Smiley To The Comments

Now, let's try to add smiley in comments. First, Go to> Layout->Edit Html. Find this line of code:

Now,  below , add these all codes:
style='-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 369; text-align: left; padding: 5px; height:86'>


Now, find in your template. And add the following code just before