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Sunday, 24 January 2010

Some Thoughts and Voice Of Blogger

In our blog-o-sphere many people are sharing the tips, tricks views and whatever in their opinion. Blogger is one of the great place to connect with friends and making money online & it's too easy to use.

In this platform few people have custom like tradition i.e they copy the article from prefect bloggers and paste to their site. It's not legal. They will not get any more benefits because the readers are not that much mad they will leave the perfect bloggers and go according to ticker who copy the are article from good minded people.

I got some popular blogger blogspots:-

Blogger Buster

Blogger Plugins

Blogger Stop

Anshul Dudeja

All Blog Tools

Blogger Tricks

One who create an idea and he/she decided to share to theirs, other copy their idea with or without credits. This procsess happens continuously until the topic ends. For better example search for any blogger tricks in Google, You will found thousand of search results.

If we all try to share the same idea, then who will use blogger to write the real thought? Many people are not using this service properly. There are few people who use this with perfect handle. The author of Blogger Tips And Tricks is Peter. According to his introduction he is just a simple pensioner. He is an introvert who find it hard to smile for the camera. Any way he is the hard worker.

So many people are addicted with blogger and so many people have  some dream to do something with their blog in future. What happen if this service close? I got some thought from Suraz. He is author of YouCanHack. He is dreaming about blogspot blogs are shutting down. Read his full article here.

What do you think? Is it good to copy and share the same tricks everywhere?  Increasing blog population just create Web Warming :P

Any way all the rights of your blog is reserved by you. I'm just trying to share my thought to you all. I have a full time ti hear your voice by comment :) Happy Blogging.

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Saturday, 16 January 2010

Yahoo Smileys in both Author and Readers Comment ~Solved!

If you are using yahoo smiley emoticons in your blogger comments, I think you have notice that's not working on the author comments. It just works on the readers comments only. Those who are using author comment highlighting tricks only has this kinds of problem, else it is clear. But now you can use both trick at once highlight author comment and use emotions in your each & every comments as you wants.

Note: If you are using comment highlighting trick and want to show yahoo smiley in all comments, than use the follow tricks.  

You can see the yahoo smiley emoticons in both readers and my comment with highlighting author comment. If you want to do these tricks at once. Then let's see how to

Highlighting Author Comments

Highlighting author comment will make some different from other blog readers and it will let know to other you are the blog owner. You just have to make some changes in before code.

Find this code:












Place these red colored code as shown above position. Now, find ]]> and place the below CSS code just above ]]>.
.owner-Body {
background: #EBF0FF;
color: #000;
border-top: 1px solid #ebf0ff;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

Now you have understand? What we have make some change into? Yes we just change the code .comment-body-author to .owner-Body. Because the tag .comment-body-author is already terminated by other tags. This change will help you to show smiley in all comments including your readers and author.

Add Smiley To The Comments

Now, let's try to add smiley in comments. First, Go to> Layout->Edit Html. Find this line of code:

Now,  below , add these all codes:
style='-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 369; text-align: left; padding: 5px; height:86'>


Now, find in your template. And add the following code just before

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Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Blogger Help for Some of The Readers

Now a days many of my readers are asking for help. I am so happy to help my readers :) Mainly they asked for coding help. So, now I'm going to tell you what's the trick for your problems.

One of my post CSS hacks for blogger, Glenn Paolo request me for CSS help. CSS hack code for Blogger's Blogroll widget.

You need to modify only one widget with html and CSS code. I am giving you a tutorial for that...

First, you have to find your widget id in your Edit Html section.  Go to> Layout->Edit Html.

Search for your unique widget title which you want to modify it. For example your widget title is Blogger Roll, then press CTRL+F and type Blogger Roll. Now you can see the line of code like this:
The line which you have found your widget title, in the same line you can find the widget id something like BlogList1 as show above. Now you have found widget id BlogList1. After that you have to create new group of CSS.

Now search for ]]>

background: #ffffff

margin : 6px;
padding : 10px
border: 1px solid #DDD;

Place the above code just before ]]> of course you can change color, margin, padding as you like. If you want to place background image instead  of color see this post. If you want to decrease the characters in your blogger roll widget arrange the option as below

And that's it. Hope your problem is solved :)

#2 Now this is problem number 2 of Alpana. She was asking about how to separate comments in a bubble or box. You can see all of my comments are out lined. It's that magic of CSS. It well manage the comment and also it looks good. If you want to do that line mine follow the steps:

Step 1: Go to> Layout->Edit Html.
Step2: Search for the below CSS code
#comments-block .comment-body
And make it look like this:
#comments-block .comment-body {
    margin: .25em 0 10px;
    padding-left: 20px;
    border-right: 1px solid #EEE;
    border-left: 1px solid #EEE;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE;
    border-top: 1px solid #EEE;
You can modify color what you like and that it! Now you can see border in your all comment :)

#3 One of the blog Admin asked how to put the ads below the post title. I have already solved his problem in this post.

Hope you guys are satisfied with these tricks. See you in next post :)  


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Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Three months SEO progress...

Before this 3 months short period what I have done and how I have past these months with the active blogging? No matter what I done good or bad. But I think have progressed well in sight of SEO. Now my blog is 3months old.

Today I’m going to share you some points gained by my blog. Let’s see some amazing SEO points.

Here, this is my one of the pervious post. This post was crawled by Google within 1 minute. I was trying to check how time wills it takes to crawl my blogs post by Google. Than I check URL immediately in Google after posting some articles. I am surprised that time. It just takes 1 minute to crawl.

Another cool fact!

See this screen shot first.

My blog is listed at the top of the Google search result with the popular keyword. I post that article opposite to others about the topic DoFollow. Most of the people post the article with suggestion to turn blog to DoFollow blog but, due to some reason I post that topic as don’t turn blog to DoFollow blog. Read this to know why I had post that “Don’t turn DoFollow blog” article.

As I am quiet active in blogging, continuous concentration, I got my page rank 1.

Thank you all for your valuable support and go further for blog development :) I trying to develop the blog widget and miscellaneous things.

Hope you will learn some extra original things from these quiet cool SEO progress.

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Friday, 1 January 2010

Placement of Ads or Widgets below the post title in Blogger

This post is specially for one of my reader. I have just received a comment from Sarvesh. He was asking about how to put the Google ads below the post title. This will give better ad revenue and this is one of the good placement of ads.

it will great if you show how to add ads in the post like you have in blogger i want to know it plz will u write a post abt it or tell me plz :)
I am glad to answer this question. Now have a look how to do this.

First log in to -> Layout-> Edit Html tab and Check Expand Widget Template.
Search for the following line of code:
If you haven't found above code, search for the following:
Got it? ok. Now you can add the widget (ads) code just below the above code. See the below example:

You ads Code Goes Here....

You ads Code Goes Here....
Replace the red colored text with your ad or widget code. If you get some problem like the ads or widget are show in home page also, you have to put some line of the code to show the widget in only one post page ( inside the page).

Replace the code which you have found above with:

You ads Code Goes Here....(first ad)


You ads Code Goes Here....(first ad)

 Now, you will see your ads or widget are only inside the page. But don't forget to replace red text with your code.
Placement for second ad

The above one is first ad (left in position) . Now you can put second ad (Right in position). See the following example for details:

You ads Code Goes Here....(second ad)


You ads Code Goes Here....(second ad)


It may not work if you copy the ad code directly form adsense. You have to encode that html ads code. Do the following:
Copy & paste your ad code to following form and click Convert. Then copy the code after converting it & replace red text with the code which you have converted.

And that's it. Hope it was clear. If you get some problem, you can frequently ask me :)

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Edit Websites Everything you like Using Javascript!

Javascript is useful for different purposes. It's too useful for hacking any website. I have found a script that can edit any site like Ms Word! But it is not real, you can edit Image, text and picture.

Try it out in one of the famous site. Hope you have planned to fool your friends ;)

If you haven't think some idea to use this hack, freely you can increase your global rank in alexa. Let's hack a look.

Wow! see my alexa rank is 2. And see my data how many site linked in.
Don't be confused! It is not real. Just a magic of java script :)

javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true';document.designMode = 'on'; void 0

In any website copy and paste above javascript and hit Enter. Enjoy! Happy New year!!!

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