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Thursday, 29 April 2010

"Keep In Touch Bloggers" We want to know you!

If you entered in this page by mistake, then don't go back. You must read this articles. By just viewing this article can change you blog's life!

Connecting to one blog by giving response is good but, connecting to every person you know by giving good response is better. Not only that you can get in touched with your blogging friends as well.

I have found an idea to make more blogging friends. We are starting to a new campaign named "Keep In touch".

What is "Keep In Touch"?

"Keep In Touch" can be important to all of us, where we are trying to get close with all bloggers. It will help you to join with the bloggers you ever known. We can connect with many bloggers which we don't know before and also we can make more blogging friend. We can also go ahead with successful blogs. Making more friend will helps you to do everything.

This may be bust like a bloggers community. Whenever you feel boring then, you are free to see our member's blog from our "In Touched Friends" page. Read their article and start commenting. Then, you will discover new idea :)

How can you be a member?

It is very easy to be a member. Just submit your blog or website URL via comment. We will add your link in our "In Touched Friends" page.

If you don't know me then, start being friend with this campaign. We will be happy if you are ready to rock with us.

Everyone can be a member from any blogging platform. If you are new, then you are most welcome.

Below option is option:

Whats the target?

Hence, you get more blogging friends. Your friend can help you to increase Page Rank, Special Ranking, Blog Popularity..bla..bla..bla..And other whatever you think positive.

So, what you are waiting for?

If you liked and happy with this news, will will be double happy with you :)

Start being a member by saying you are a member of this program and don't forget your URL. Just submit by comment below.

If you feel any doubt, then please don't hesitate to ask. Feel free to ask any question.

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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Make money online by rating articles

There are hundred of ways to earn and make money online. 80% of people who surf the internet, they are money busy to making money online. Also they do online job and busy in business and they use similar way to make money by blogging, writing, advertising, selling.

First let you know this is not a sponsored article. I am sharing you the way to make money online which may be very easy for you.

ReadBud is a site that you can earn more money by just viewing the articles. In the compare of other site, it pay more and very easy to earn money. You don't have to do more work for it. Just view the article(It is optional to read the article provided by them just rate the article and earn.

This may be your best way to earn online in less time. Choose the interest you like and start earning. I will show you in short: Signup to ReadBud > Click Articles tab > Article may visible to you, Click Read the Articles > Scroll down and rate the article any points you like (Up to 5 stars). > Done! And earn, you will get the money.

You can earn up to $1 to $2 in a day. It also has affiliate programs and referring other user. They pay $5 each person you refer by your referral link. The minimum payout is $50. You can easily get cash when you refer more people.

You have to choose your interest in different categories. Choose the best keywords link, web hosting, internet marketing and other popular words. All the article you get are based on your interest or category. If you use popular category like web hosting, they can pay more for you.

New articles could become available anytime during the day. If you become daily user, you will get hundreds of article. Let you will get $0.10 for each article you rate (You don't have to read article, Just rate it!).So, you can get more and more money you imagine by just rating. Don't forget there will be available hundred of article and $0.10 for each article you rate.

So, what you are waiting for? Signup to ReadBud and start rating all the article!

If you have joined ReadBud let me know how much do you earn in a day :)

Make money using twitter account!

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Thursday, 22 April 2010

10 Smart Ways To Protect Your Blog From Hackers

It's an unfortunate reality of the Internet today that there are people out there who would like to hack your WordPress blog. It's possible that you may have made an enemy who would like to get back at you by hacking your site, but more frequently hackers are simply looking for an easy target. Here are 10 ways to ensure that you aren't that easy target.

  • Upgrade WordPress: Perhaps you have wondered why WordPress releases a new version of its software every few weeks. Thousands of people go over the Wordpres code every day in an effort to improve it. A lot of the time, they are trying to plug up security vulnerabilities which hackers have figured out how to exploit. By upgrading regularly, you can be sure that you have all the latest security fixes.

  • Update Plugins: Many times, hackers will figure out how to gain access to your blog through a vulnerability in one of your plugins. The creators of these plugins often release updates that are more secure, which is something you should take advantage of by updating them regularly.

  • Hide Your Plugins: If the hackers don't know which plugins you have, then they won't know where to begin trying to hack your site. The way they find out which plugins you have is by looking in your  /wp-content/plugins directory. If you create a blank document, save it as index.html, and upload it to this directory, you can prevent anyone from accessing this information. Alternatively you can block the standard file list from showing with .htaccess.

  • Get Rid of "Admin": Do you still use "admin" as your username to log into your account?
    If so, you are making things much easier for hackers. If they know the username of your administer's account, then hackers already have half of the information they need to break into your account.

  • Stronger Password: If your password is something like "wood floor", then it can be extremely easy for hackers to guess. They can often simply use a program which guesses your password based on dictionary entries. Create a lengthy password made up of upper and lower case letters, numbers and characters in no particular order and avoiding dictionary words.

  • Login Securely: One way that hackers will steal your password is by intercepting it through the network while it is on its way to WordPress. You can solve this problem by installing the Chap Secure Login plugin. This plugin will automatically encrypt your password when you login, so the hackers will only be able to see your username.

  • Remove Your Version Information: Often, hackers will attack your site based on the version of WordPress you are running. If they don't know which version you are running, they won't know how to attack your site. Install WP Security Scan to remove the identifying code from the header and feeds.

  • Prevent Brute Force Attacks: One of the simplest ways for hackers to break into your account is to try different passwords over and over until they find one that works. The easiest way to prevent this is to use the Login LockDown plugin. If someone fails to guess the correct password 3 times within a 5 minute period, this plugin will prevent them from even trying again for the next hour.

  • Scan for Security Holes: The WP Security Scan plugin will automatically scan your blog and let you know if there are any problems with it that you should consider fixing. It lets you quickly change your files permissions, verify your htaccess file, and detect break-in attempts.

  • Get Maximum Security: Currently in beta, Maximum Security is a full featured security platform for WordPress blogs. This plugin will allow you to prevent hackers from browsing all your site's files and adjust your firewall settings. It can be a full time job keeping your site secure and free from hackers. If you implement some of these tips, much of the work can be done for you automatically.

  • As a full time blogger, Tom Walker works for an online supplier of ink cartridges where he is the lead editor at the CreativeCloud. He covers topics as varies as vintage advertising to packaging design.

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    Saturday, 17 April 2010

    12+ tips to show your inner or older blog post to your reader

    Do you ever think, Why your old blog entries and your older article, post is most non viewed elements? Many of you start blogging with annoy identification. It doesn't matter but, this may hurt you after you have large number of blog post. So, you understand? You have to start blogging with entire known identification. Then you and your blog must be popular. This is the solution for the beginners. But, people who already done their work to their blog, What should they do?

    You have a good content in your blog. And that content are not able to show to your reader, because that is inside and inside in your blog. So, here is some tips to show your good quality article inside your blog.

    Placement of navigation bar on top:  You should place some navigation menu bar to the top of your blog header with some link. Just don't forget not only link, it should be attractive to impress you loyal reader. And navigate to your blog post or different labels.

    Random posts: Try to put a random post widget to your blog. This helps to your reader to see the random post whether, they are older or newer.

    Removal of useless widget:  If you have some useless widget to your blog, then try to remove it. Because your blog will be heavy and your loyal reader can't access your blog perfectly. If your reader click any other internal link of your blog post, then most of the visitor doesn't patience and get out from your blog or directly close your blog window.

    Page navigation: You show place page number navigation widget to show exact number of  your blog pages. Either, they can directly jump to your farthest blog post. And your older blog post will be reviewed. But, you have to ensure that  your widget must be well designed and impressive.

    Link to your older post: Time-to-time, you should link to your older blog post by the topic of current features. If you get some topic and you remember your older posts, the of course you can link to it to your post in your new article.

    Search bar: Search form is equal important. Your reader can search whatever they want from your blog. They can found their topic and you also happy they also happy :)

    Related post: You have to place related post widget to each blog post. And your older blog post can be viewed by your loyal reader. Try to place link not picture with thumbnail.

    Contest management: It is very awesome way to redefine your old and new articles. For example, I just launched Top Commentator Contest and also I announced winner. See these links to see the contest result. You can get comment and get views of your older post. Reader try to comment more. In the path of commenting lots of visitors go to comment in your inner post.

    Resolve the temporary issues: If your have commented in your inner post of your blog requesting to solve the problem of your blog or their issue then, don't be lazy. Immediately try to place your work in rest position and let's hear your reader's voice.

    Commenting to others blog: If you find related article in others blog, the you can link to your blog with encouraging words like, We have same article!

    Add rest of the widget: You can put rest of the linked widget to your blog like populat post, recent comments, most discussed, etc.

    Keyword popularity: In the search engines, all the website article are searched in the basis of quality keyword. Any one can reach to your any post from the search engines. So, it is important to have quality keyword.

    The above are my guess. You can added your own think and voice in this post. Just share your mind via comment. Feel free to take some action about this topic.

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    Friday, 9 April 2010

    Creating 3D text using photoshop

     This tutorial helps you to create and design your own 3D text in photoshop. You can apply this photoshop effect to your website and any other place where you design your web. Some of the Photoshop tutorial may hard and some of then are too easy. But, this tutorial may easy to you. Because, I create this with step by step image tutorial.

    Let's start from new document. Customize the options, how big image you want or small image.
    Choose the text option what you like. I'm using Arial and size 200px. And here comes the text result.
    Now, we have to bend the text to make look as 3D. For that, Layer > Type > Convert to shape. Also, Edit > Transform path > Perspective.

    And make a text bend as below. Take your courser to the top right corner and take it down.
    For the easy, you can use Edit > Transform > Skew.

    Now hold CTRL + ALT and Up Arrow. You will see the duplicate layer move up by one pixel. Do this step about 15 or similar. You will see something like this,

     Now, you have to join the duplicate layers together. But, don't join to top layer. To do this, select from the second layer from the top and link all layers to underneath. Also you can  select from second to second last layers.

     Now, Go to Layer > Merge Visible. And you will see something like this:

     Now, apply the layer styles to the bottom layer, as you can see Background on above image (Double click bottom layer to active it). Go to Layer > layer styles, Gradient Overlay, Bevel and Emboss, Drop Shadow (apply all these three effects).

    For easy, apply the option like below, (click the link)

    Gradient Overlay

    Bevel and Emboss

    Drop Shadow

    Now, you look like this:

    Now, again apply the layer styles on the top layers,

    Click the links and follow the image,

    Inner shadow

    Bevel and Emboss 

    Gradient Overlay

    Pattern Overlay

    Or, you can use your own colors and choose your own option you link.

    And finally, your text looks like this:

    Now, you have done your work :) So, how do you like this tutorial? You can show me your work via comment and any image. Any you can ask where you confused.

    You can Download my PSD work here.

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