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Monday, 11 April 2011

Introducing Social Eyes Blogger Template

Converting Blogger Template became one night dinner for me. Now, Hack Tutors is up with another new Blogger Template called Social Eyes. Social Eyes is blue color 2 column Blogger template which is socially inspired. Its ready to use with no costs for every blogger users as usual. First, let's have a look the demo:

Times Downloaded

Features of Social Eyes Blogger Template
Social Eyes Blogger Template have following features:

  • 2 Column
  • Socially inspired blue color
  • Stylish transparent navigation menu and sub-menu
  • Automatic read more with thumbnail for each post
  • User friendly comment section
  • SEO friendy
  • 3 column footer widget

Installation Details
To install this template on your Blogger blog, login to your Blogger account and go to > Design > Edit HTML. Backup your Blogger current Blogger template by click "Download Full Template". Choose and upload XML template of social eyes from you hard drive.

You need to make some changes in its menu feature. Just replace URL and anchor text with your own. This is the code that you have to edit for top navigation menu.

  • Archieve

  • Page Layouts


    Now, your installation is complete!

    If you have any problem regarding Social Eyes Blogger Template then feel free to ask me via comment below.

    Let me know you suggestion and feedback about Social Eyes Blogger Template. Please note that this template is converted from WordPress theme from StudioPress.

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